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Mrs. Rojas

Adv Geometry & Geometry


Classroom Expectations and Policies


o      Come to class prepared every single day!

o      Respect the rights and property of yourself and others at all times!

o      Be in your seat when the bell rings!

o      Use appropriate verbal and body language.

o      No cell phones during class unless permitted.  They will be taken!

o      Think and act appropriately at all times.

o      Follow all classroom rules.  Consequences will result in failure to do so.

o      Discipline – I don’t expect many issues in class.  I will respect you and I expect the same respect.  However, problems will be handled on an individual basis.  Issues will be resolved by speaking to you, your parents, or the administration.



1.  Three-ring binder (one-inch minimum)

2. Dividers

3.  College-ruled notebook paper

4.  Graph paper

5.  Pencils

6.  Erasers

7.  Protractor

8.  Ruler

9.  Compass

10. Graphing Calculator (TI-83 or TI-84 is recommended)



o      It is your responsibility to be in class at all times.  However, unexpected events may cause absences.  If that is the case, you are responsible for following your assignment sheet, asking for any missed assignments, and turning in any assignments due on the day(s) of your absence.


Extra Help:

o      I will be available before and after school almost every day.  If I’m not able to come early or stay late on a specific day, I will inform you ASAP.  If coming in for help, please let me know you plan on coming in.  Most importantly, please take advantage of this extra help.  It is on you to ask and come in.  I can’t do this for you.



Quarter Grades:


Advanced Geometry :                        

o      Homework :                                   15%                                                    

o      Quizzes:                                        25 %                                                   

o      Tests:                                            35%                                                    

o        Projects and Activities:                15%                                        

o      Preparedness and Organization:  10%                


o      Homework: Grades for completion and following “Criteria for Credit”. Consistent wrong answers will result in lower grade.  If method for solving problems results in consistent wrong answers you will be asked to redo the homework.

•   A.  Completion grades:

100: all complete

75: more than half complete

50: half complete


•   B.  Correctness grades:                                                                

Sometimes I will grade entire homework assignments or selected problems.  There may be a curve to the grade because it is practice.


o      Binder Checks: Binder Checks will generally be due the day of the test.  The check will consist of looking for completed notes, ordered by date homework assignments for that unit, and ordered by date quizzes.


o      Late work: If you do not turn an assignment on the day that it is due, you may still turn it in one day late but will only be able to receive a maximum of 75%.  After three days have passed, I will not accept assignment and your missing assignments will become zeros.


o      Make-ups:  Advanced Geometry and Geometry, each 9 weeks you may make up 1 quiz and 1 test. All Classes, whatever grade you receive on a “make-up” will replace your original score, for better or for worse. (I want to see that you actually learned the material.)  You have two weeks to do the make-up.  No make-ups the last week of the quarter.



Criteria for Credit:

o      Write out all problems and show ALL WORK!

o      Skip a line between each problem.

o      No Fringes!

o      Use pencil only.

o      Highlight or circle your final answer.

o      No unnecessary markings on papers.

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